Solutions for


Euroflex provides hoses for transferring, pumping, suction and discharge of fluids required in mining applications.

Solutions according to your industry

Responsible mining has direct benefits on economic growth and social welfare, therefore quality and safety standards are necessary for mining applications. Euroflex hoses are designed to transport natural and corrosive fluids with high resistance to abrasion in extreme conditions.

Why buy Euroflex?


In the market for more than 30 years providing solutions for the transport of fluids.


In the field of industrial hoses, hydraulic hoses and related accessories.


Wide range of stock to satisfy a broad supply network at national and international scale.

Strategic Partners

We have certifications, technical advice, and after-sales service. Different world-class brands trust us.

Related products

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  • AIRS
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  • ASTR
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  • AIRR
    AIRPRO RED es una manguera roja de aire de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
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  • AIRY
    AIRPRO YELLOW es una manguera amarilla de aire de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
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  • AP10
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    Water discharge hose 150 PSI - Euroflex
  • AS10
    AQUASUC 10 es una manguera de succión y descarga de agua de 150 PSI marca Euroflex.
    Water suction & discharge hose 150 PSI - Euroflex
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    EUROAIR 20 es una manguera de aire comprimido de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
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  • PVEN
    Grey PVC duct hose - Euroflex
  • PASP
    Grey dust suction PVC hose - Euroflex
  • PMHN
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  • PMHY
    Spiral wrap hose protector - Euroflex
  • MINY
    MINAIR es una manguera minera de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
    Mining hose 300 PSI - Euroflex
  • MINB
    MINAIR 2B es una manguera minera 2B de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
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  • MIN2
    MINAIR 2B YELLOW es una manguera minera de aire y agua de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
    Mining air & water hose 300 PSI - Euroflex
  • MIN4
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Carmona # 192 – Urb. Ind. Vulcano, Ate – Lima, Perú

L-V: 8:00 am a 17:00 pm.

S: 8:30 am a 12:00 m.

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