Solutions for


Euroflex offers a variety of hoses oriented to transport fuel, oil, chemical products and derivatives in petrochemical applications.

Solutions according to your industry

High performance, personal safety protection, and prevention of ecological damage are key considerations for Euroflex, which is why we developed hoses for the suction and discharge of fuels and derivatives that meet the requirements of the industry.

Why buy Euroflex?


In the market for more than 30 years providing solutions for the transport of fluids.


In the field of industrial hoses, hydraulic hoses and related accessories.


Wide range of stock to satisfy a broad supply network at national and international scale.

Strategic Partners

We have certifications, technical advice, and after-sales service. Different world-class brands trust us.

Related products

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  • OS10
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Carmona # 192 – Urb. Ind. Vulcano, Ate – Lima, Perú

L-V: 8:00 am a 17:00 pm.

S: 8:30 am a 12:00 m.

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