Solutions for


Euroflex offers a range of hoses for transport, lubrication, pumping and transfer of fluids in textile applications.

Solutions according to your industry

The textile industry is constantly evolving and production processes are refined to achieve effective results. At Euroflex, meeting the standards of each machine is fundamental, our hoses adapt perfectly with each production element, ensuring the care of each machine.

Why buy Euroflex?


In the market for more than 30 years providing solutions for the transport of fluids.


In the field of industrial hoses, hydraulic hoses and related accessories.


Wide range of stock to satisfy a broad supply network at national and international scale.

Strategic Partners

We have certifications, technical advice, and after-sales service. Different world-class brands trust us.

Related products

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  • SR15
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    Four/six wire spiral R15 hydraulic hose - Red Lion
  • SR02
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    Two wire braid R2 hydraulic hose - Red Lion
  • SR03
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Carmona # 192 – Urb. Ind. Vulcano, Ate – Lima, Perú

L-V: 8:00 am a 17:00 pm.

S: 8:30 am a 12:00 m.

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