Solutions for


Euroflex provides hoses and fittings for air and water supply, refrigeration and all electrical systems.

Solutions according to your industry

In the transportation sector, the compatibility of automotive parts is fundamental. At Euroflex, we have formulated hoses and fittings that are aligned with market standards to ensure a long service life and warranty.

Why buy Euroflex?


In the market for more than 30 years providing solutions for the transport of fluids.


In the field of industrial hoses, hydraulic hoses and related accessories.


Wide range of stock to satisfy a broad supply network at national and international scale.

Strategic Partners

We have certifications, technical advice, and after-sales service. Different world-class brands trust us.

Related products

That might be interesting for you

  • BRAK
    E-BRAKE es una manguera para freno de aire de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
    Air brake hose 300 PSI - Euroflex
  • NONS
    Non-slit corrugated hose - Euroflex
  • SLIT
    Slit corrugated hose - Euroflex
  • SR14
    FLEXEU es una manguera hidráulica R14 de teflón liso con cubierta trenzada de acero inoxidable SS-304 marca Red Lion.
    Smooth teflon with SS-304 wire braided cover R14 hydraulic hose - Red Lion
  • GOIL
    GASOIL es una manguera de GLP-GNV de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
    GLP-GNV hose 300 PSI - Euroflex
  • GOI2
    GASOIL 2B es una manguera de GLP-GNV de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
    GLP-GNV hose 300 PSI - Euroflex
  • NYNG
    Black nylon tubing - Gril-flex
  • OILB
    OILPRO es una manguera de aceite de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
    Oil and fuel hose 300 PSI - Euroflex
  • SUBM
    OILSUBMER es una manguera sumergible de aceite de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
    Submersible oil hose 300 PSI - Euroflex
  • SR01
    RED LION R1 es una manguera hidráulica R1 con un alambre trenzado marca Red Lion.
    One wire braid R1 hydraulic hose - Red Lion
  • SR03
    Two textile braid R3 hydraulic hose - Red Lion
  • SSR6
    RED LION R6 es una manguera hidráulica R6 con una malla textil marca Red Lion.
    One textile braid R6 hydraulic hose - Red Lion
  • SPRB
    SUPERALL BLACK es una manguera multipropósito de 300 PSI marca Euroflex.
    Multipurpose hose 300 PSI - Euroflex
  • NYFE
    Tubería nylon P/Freno de aire - Euroflex SAE J844

Carmona # 192 – Urb. Ind. Vulcano, Ate – Lima, Perú

L-V: 8:00 am a 17:00 pm.

S: 8:30 am a 12:00 m.

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